2015 ChristLife - Following ChristChristLife was established in response to the Church’s call to a New Evangelization. It equips Catholics for the essential work of evangelization so that others might come to know personally the love of God through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, becoming his followers and members of the Church. ChristLife consists of three seven-week courses. Discovering Christ leads parishioners into a personal relationship with Jesus, Following Christ helps parishioners to grow as Disciples of Christ, and Sharing Christ trains Catholics on how to share their faith with others. The following are testimonial statements from attendees at the 2012 ChristLife – Following Christ course at Saint Mary’s. For more information and to register for the 2015 ChristLife – Following Christ, go to ChristLife Registration. CHRISTLIFE TESTIMONIAL STATEMENTS The following are testimonial statements from attendees at the recently completed ChristLife – Following Christ course at Saint Mary’s. The Christ Life sessions have created in me a definite realization that I have a sincere inner desire to be a Catholic whereas before I was unaware of these feelings. I have gone back to church. It has helped me realize what I have been missing and want in my life. It served to strengthen my faith in Christ and my religion. I went to confession after 13 years away from that sacrament. Christ Life sessions have opened me up to letting Christ in, and allowing Him to work in me; but also to work through me, and to understand that we are all called by name. I think of myself as a typical Catholic - I attend church regularly and pray for people that need my prayers. However, I don't seem as spiritual as some of the Catholics I know. The Following Christ program opened my eyes to new ways to pray that strengthened my spiritual experience. I feel more connected to Christ, as well as the other members of my group. I was reminded that there are many individuals at St Mary's with whom I can share personal experiences, concerns, and faith journey, and that sharing is a wonderful experience. Spending time with God by praying and reading Scripture makes God happy. And going to Confession and receiving His "gifts" of forgiveness and grace makes him happy too. Whoever thought of making God happy? I have developed a deeper, more meaningful prayer life as a result of ChristLife. I am deeply committed to Catholicism, whereas before I look back as see by times I was just going through the motions. I am looking forward to making Cursillo in March! Thank you for providing this program! Raised a Catholic, teaching Confirmation classes for my children, and attending many years of bible study, I felt I was always searching for something to deepen my relationship with my God. Participating with Discovering Christ and Following Christ has given me new tools and experiences to help me on my journey. It challenged me to step out of my comfort zone in a loving way to try new ways of praying. Meeting the other couples at my table and sharing our stories was such a blessing. I thank ALL who brought this series to St Mary of Sorrows. God Bless Fr.Barkett |