Church Director - Don Mailki
As a fraternal organization of Catholic men, the Knights of Columbus has strong ties to the Church. At all levels, from the local councils to the Supreme Council, the organization has the volunteer power, communications abilities and organization to help strengthen the Church while offering members and their families to grow in the faith. Through the sponsoring of Church-related activities the members of the Knights of Columbus continue to show that they are the strong right arm of the Church.
Church Activities – You’ll find members of the Knights of Columbus are involved in every aspect of the Catholic Church.
Programs – Interested in these activities, contract the knight leading the activities or the Church Director or the Grand Knight – All Knights are encouraged to participate.
Church Activities – You’ll find members of the Knights of Columbus are involved in every aspect of the Catholic Church.
- We serve as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, and CCD teachers.
- We bring Communion to those who are homebound
- We serve on the Parish Council, the Finance Committee, the Pro-Life Committee, St. Vincent de Paul Society, and other Parish Committees
- We support seminarians
- We conduct “Keep Christ in Christmas” awareness campaigns
- We honor our Altar Servers
Programs – Interested in these activities, contract the knight leading the activities or the Church Director or the Grand Knight – All Knights are encouraged to participate.
- KofC Memorial Masses (Kurt Meinsen)
- Serra Club Picnic (Dave Maurer, Warden)
- Founder’s Day Mass for the Knights of Columbus
- Usher's (Joseph Osborne)
- First Friday Adoration. Signup HERE
St. Mary of Sorrows-- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
As a Brother Knight, are you aware of any non-Catholic family member, friend, neighbor, or someone who has been coming to Mass for a while, but is not Catholic who may be interested in inquiring into our Catholic faith? Do you know of someone who is baptized Catholic, but has not received the sacraments of Holy Eucharist & Confirmation? The St. Mary of Sorrows RCIA Team is hoping to warmly welcome any & all who may be interested in exploring & learning about Catholicism. We will assist & guide all inquirers on their journey to a deeper faith & hopefully on to their coming into full communion in the Catholic Faith at the 2024 Easter Vigil.
Our RCIA Inquiry classes will begin in early September & will continue weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 9:00 pm in Farrell Hall at the Parish Center. For more information, to register or assist an interested inquirer, please contact Father Barkett at 703-978-4141 Ext 103, or email our RCIA Team Coordinator / Administrator, Ann Hartmann, at [email protected], or Deacon Dave Maurer at [email protected].
Registration forms are available in the Narthex of our St. Mary's Church & at the Parish Center. Completed forms may be left with the office staff. An RCIA team member will promptly contact anyone with an interest in our 2023-2024 program.
Fr. Vanderwoude & The RCIA Team
Our RCIA Inquiry classes will begin in early September & will continue weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 9:00 pm in Farrell Hall at the Parish Center. For more information, to register or assist an interested inquirer, please contact Father Barkett at 703-978-4141 Ext 103, or email our RCIA Team Coordinator / Administrator, Ann Hartmann, at [email protected], or Deacon Dave Maurer at [email protected].
Registration forms are available in the Narthex of our St. Mary's Church & at the Parish Center. Completed forms may be left with the office staff. An RCIA team member will promptly contact anyone with an interest in our 2023-2024 program.
Fr. Vanderwoude & The RCIA Team