Young Man/Young Woman of the YearPlease use this Young Man/Young Woman of the Year Nomination Template to make your nominations (due 1 March 2025 to [email protected]
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From the Grand KnightWelcome to all our new members! I hope you get involved in some way very soon. You are a Knight, the men behind the scenes who support our parish events (Charity), who help each other to strengthen our faith (Unity), and who stand ready to help our brothers (Fraternity).
Vivat Jesus! Joe Minus Grand Knight - Council 8600 |
2025 Council ScholarshipsOlivia Anderson Essay for the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest 2024-2025 |
Charitable Funds Flyer
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
St. Mary of Sorrows' Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
Do you know of a non-Catholic family member, friend, neighbor, colleague, etc., who may be interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith & who you might be able to help in that regard?
Do you know someone who was baptized Catholic, but has not received the sacraments of Eucharist & Confirmation?
Do you know someone who has been coming to Mass for a while, but is not Catholic?
In essence, are you aware of anyone who might be interested in exploring & learning about Catholicism this fall here at St. Mary's?
Fr. Vander Woude & the St Mary of Sorrows OCIA team are waiting to warmly welcome all who may be interested in learning more about Catholicism. We will aid, guide & support any & all inquirers on their journey to a deeper faith & hopefully toward full communion in the Catholic Faith at the 2025 Easter Vigil.
Inquiry classes will begin on Sept 11th & will continue on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 9:00 pm in Farrell Hall at the Parish Center.
For more information on how to register, contact Father Vander Woude at 703-978-4141, via Pastor's Front Office Asst., Irene Alexander, Ext 101, or email the OCIA Team Administrator, Ann Hartmann at [email protected] or Deacon Dave Maurer at [email protected].
Registration and Interest forms are available in the Church narthex & Parish Center lobby. Please leave completed forms with the office staff. An OCIA Team member will promptly contact anyone with an interest in the inquiry program.
Thank you,
St Mary's OCIA Team
Fr. Vander Woude
Do you know of a non-Catholic family member, friend, neighbor, colleague, etc., who may be interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith & who you might be able to help in that regard?
Do you know someone who was baptized Catholic, but has not received the sacraments of Eucharist & Confirmation?
Do you know someone who has been coming to Mass for a while, but is not Catholic?
In essence, are you aware of anyone who might be interested in exploring & learning about Catholicism this fall here at St. Mary's?
Fr. Vander Woude & the St Mary of Sorrows OCIA team are waiting to warmly welcome all who may be interested in learning more about Catholicism. We will aid, guide & support any & all inquirers on their journey to a deeper faith & hopefully toward full communion in the Catholic Faith at the 2025 Easter Vigil.
Inquiry classes will begin on Sept 11th & will continue on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 9:00 pm in Farrell Hall at the Parish Center.
For more information on how to register, contact Father Vander Woude at 703-978-4141, via Pastor's Front Office Asst., Irene Alexander, Ext 101, or email the OCIA Team Administrator, Ann Hartmann at [email protected] or Deacon Dave Maurer at [email protected].
Registration and Interest forms are available in the Church narthex & Parish Center lobby. Please leave completed forms with the office staff. An OCIA Team member will promptly contact anyone with an interest in the inquiry program.
Thank you,
St Mary's OCIA Team
Fr. Vander Woude
SMoS Food Pantry |
Marian Homes Capital Campaign |
Viridiane's Hope for Children's
Prayer List
Click the link, above, to see the list