Cookies for Kairos
K of C Cookie Announcement:
I need your help. As many of you are aware, I am involved in a prison ministry known as Kairos. The next 4-day weekend retreat is scheduled for the 20 – 23 October 2016. How can YOU help? Bake cookies! They are a highlight on the 4-day retreat where we introduce these men to the Lord often for the first time. They are an inducement for the prisoners to come to the retreat and it works. But we need a whole lot of cookies. Please bring homemade cookies to the Parish Center the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, October 15 - 16 and place them in the marked box in the foyer. Any kind of approximately 2 inch in diameter plain “homemade” cookie is acceptable provided they do NOT contain nut pieces, candy (such as M&Ms, etc.), sprinkles or any kind of frosting. One recent change is they cannot be red or blue in color—rival gang colors. Please place one dozen cookies in clear plastic zip locked quart sized bag.
Those of you with kids and grandkids in either Confirmation or high school Civics, this is an easy way for them to get those needed service hours—a win-win!
What is Kairos? The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them, and to assist in the transition of becoming a productive citizen. To learn more at:
God Bless!
Dan Turgeon, PGK Council 8600
I need your help. As many of you are aware, I am involved in a prison ministry known as Kairos. The next 4-day weekend retreat is scheduled for the 20 – 23 October 2016. How can YOU help? Bake cookies! They are a highlight on the 4-day retreat where we introduce these men to the Lord often for the first time. They are an inducement for the prisoners to come to the retreat and it works. But we need a whole lot of cookies. Please bring homemade cookies to the Parish Center the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, October 15 - 16 and place them in the marked box in the foyer. Any kind of approximately 2 inch in diameter plain “homemade” cookie is acceptable provided they do NOT contain nut pieces, candy (such as M&Ms, etc.), sprinkles or any kind of frosting. One recent change is they cannot be red or blue in color—rival gang colors. Please place one dozen cookies in clear plastic zip locked quart sized bag.
Those of you with kids and grandkids in either Confirmation or high school Civics, this is an easy way for them to get those needed service hours—a win-win!
What is Kairos? The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them, and to assist in the transition of becoming a productive citizen. To learn more at:
God Bless!
Dan Turgeon, PGK Council 8600