5-Car Raffle
The annual 5 Car Raffle provides both the council and the parish an excellent opportunity to raise funds for charitable endeavors. Over the past several years we have been able to successfully raise funds toward such projects as: Marian Homes, the Paul Stefan foundation, the Sacred Heart statue in the cemetery, the Holy Family statue in front of the parish center, the annual March for Life buses, the 150th St Mary’s anniversary book, renovations to Old St. Mary's Hall and over $40K for the capital campaign as well as other smaller efforts requested by Fr Barkett. This year proceeds will again go toward the new church building fund. You need not be present to win. Participation allows individual’s the opportunity to win 1 of 5 vehicles or $20 K in cash prizes. Through combining our efforts w/All Saints parish the council creates a win/win situation that maximizes revenue for both organizations. Hopefully we will have a winner from St Mary’s again this year."
The annual 5 Car Raffle provides both the council and the parish an excellent opportunity to raise funds for charitable endeavors. Over the past several years we have been able to successfully raise funds toward such projects as: Marian Homes, the Paul Stefan foundation, the Sacred Heart statue in the cemetery, the Holy Family statue in front of the parish center, the annual March for Life buses, the 150th St Mary’s anniversary book, renovations to Old St. Mary's Hall and over $40K for the capital campaign as well as other smaller efforts requested by Fr Barkett. This year proceeds will again go toward the new church building fund. You need not be present to win. Participation allows individual’s the opportunity to win 1 of 5 vehicles or $20 K in cash prizes. Through combining our efforts w/All Saints parish the council creates a win/win situation that maximizes revenue for both organizations. Hopefully we will have a winner from St Mary’s again this year."